Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back.

A very very bad day! I have to pay a fine! I'm usually using a one-month ticket for buses and trams, but this time I forgot and, let's call him Mr. Checker, he made me aware of it quite in a brutal way. Daaaaaamn!!!

Anyway, I'm really down today, as I was told that I might not get my salary before Christmas...

Ok, I won't write long essays today, just one big news! The guy, who was a hit during summer holidays in Kraków came back!
The Levitating Guy and my shadow together!
Day 21 of 30: COMPLETE!

1 comment:

  1. I hate Mr Kanar :( Pam! get yourself a semester ticket! Its for 6 months and you don't have to upload it every month!
