Friday, December 2, 2011

I used to live a very social life and never spend much solitary time looking at birds or reading.

I need to raise a vital issue. But I'll start with a confession. Buses and trams has made a significant contribution to my social life. Starting from primary school I was commuting to school by buses or trams. In high school there were many other students who decided on independace from parents and a bit of adulthood, and this was also a starting point for my social life. Weird? Nooo! Just imagine those 2h hourse of commuting everyday, inside the bus with people from your school. You have enough time to learn something new about your friends.

Now, that I'm not a tudent officially anymore, the bussocial life continues! Lately I'm meeting my senior from university like three times a week, it's like a full fledged bus-relationship! This morning I met my teacher from high school, only to find out that I missed a blues concert that took place in my high school two days ago!

I won't mention exchanges of looks and smiles with unknown people in bus, including handsome guys and nice old ladies. Which is rare. Nice old ladies, I mean. Believe me, riding a crowded bus makes the dark side of every human come out........

But, the bus-meetings are a huge part of my social life and I won't ever deny it. No matter how smelly, crowded, dirty or suffocating the buses might seem to be, I admit their role in my life!

Santa's Head Quarters. Getting ready for the December mission.

Day 13 of 30: COMPLETE!

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