Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring.

Quoting David Bowie, I want to do sth that's not boring, although I don't know what would it be. Lately I'm meeting with all kinds of people, but rather than thoughts like "I want to be like this person", I'm becoming to be aware of what I don't want to become. Which is also not that bad.

At work I could concentrate on my studies. I was doing exercises from book preparing to JLPT, chatting on GTalk and playing Kanji-Box game. I hope that learning will do me good, even if it's just a half-assed learning.

Here's the proof that Pam was studying hard:
Here's one of the exercises that will appear on JLPT level N2. Taken from the book 「ドリル&ドリル 日本語能力試験 N2文法」.

The most fascinating thing I discovered today is the fact that the boss of the store locaated just next to mine seems to be looking for a young girlfriend. He actually tries to pick up the girl who's working with me. But damn. She's 2 years younger than me. Plus, she has had a boyfriend for almost 2 years now. I hope the baldie-boss will notice it soon, because getting some wierd text messages from him on the store's mobile phone is creepy~~~!

Btw, in the department store I'm working in a new atraction for kids appeared. You can....

I heard about pedo-bear, but PedoBunny is even scarier....
...let your children ride an animal!

Day 10 of 30: COMPLETE!

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