Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.

Now, just what happened during those last two days?!

As I wrote before I was sure to have a flight on 29th of March and everything was all set, when I got a call that my flighed got changed again! What the...! But no worries! I was at work so I couldn't panic and do all those stuff to put a spell on airlines to give back my flight to me, so I decided to take care of it cooly! I talked to like at least 5 people from the company which reserved my earlier ticket (I mean, the first one) and finally I could talk with a kind and helpful person. The women not only explained everything I should do, she even offered to help me look for the flights and organise everything. I didn't have to pay additional costs for the reservation either. I even got a full insurance after paying a few zlotys more. She was sooo nice! I think she should get a promotion! Or a bonus! Higher salary! Handsome and awesome husband! Lovely kids! Great life!
All the best for the lady who helped me! I feel so amazed everytime I come across people, who are nice even to strangers without any ulterior motive... I just wanted to tell her "Marry me!", but I 'm not a guy, so it would be difficult hahah ^^)v

So I guess, not only must I count again, I think I should think of a new name for my internship in China haha. Any idea? Because after working for 11 hours two days in a row, my head is filled with contact lenses, Valentine's Day's songs and other stuff, which has no use for anything.

Talking about Valentine's.... From three small packets with two hand-made chocolates (by me) in each, which I sent to my friends in Japan, only one was delievered safely. Why only one!?! The other two were sent to the same place, one also to Tokyo and one to Saitama, it's just 2 hours by train from Tokyo. Why??? Oh why???

Because you know, Japan has its own Valentine's Day traditions. On this day girls present guys with chocolate. But then, guys can also give chocolate to girls, but it's not that usual. And also people give chocolate to friends and to co-workers, and stuff.

This girl here, don't know who she is, but she talks about chocolate and Japan:

I don't remember if she mentions that every guy who received chocolate on Valentine's Day has to respond to those feelings (no matter if it's a friend or lover) and give white chocolate to the girl on White Day, which comes one month after Valentine's Day - 14th of March.

So it's not that bad to give chocolates to many people, month later it's you who will receive some too! Hahah ^^)v

Days left to Noodles in China: 41

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