It's been 4 months since I started a job that I like and that makes me learn new things everyday. There are guests coming and going everyday - some of them are nice, give us cakes, smile to us everytime they pass by and there are those who try to get more that they are supposed to, who wouldn't smile back no matter what you do and who just want to shout at someone. Talking with the nice guests is fun, but it's those irrate guests that teach me more. I feel quite stressed about dealing with angry guests, I believe with experience I will learn how to deal with them properly.
But for now I'm counting days to my holidays. In exactly one month I will be in Malta, burning myself in the sun and drinking sweet, red wine. I'm travelling alone, but meeting some people there. It's not gonna be the first time I'm travelling alone, so I don't feel weird about it, I'm just soooo looking forward to it. I bought new bikini, new flip-flops, Malta guide book is ready, everything is ready to go. Just that I still have one month to go.......! I want the time to go by faster this month!
Malta, wait for me!!!!!!! |
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