It's been a while since I wrote a post that I usually commit here, not a good-food-post or an advertisement of a chain bakery, but just my own style not informative at all type of post. So here it is. I just want to write about my last month, which I spent mostly at work. It was quite intense, so intense that I had to give up quite a few events, and which was also a reason a few people got mad at me, cause I'm always busy. High schools friends say that I'm mean because I don't want to preserve our friendship and it's sad. Because I can't give up work, which gives me this satisfaction! Because it does. I love it, because I am learning everyday. And not only me, but every worker in the hotel needs to go through trainings from time to time. It's like at school, you have to learn and pass a test later on. That being said, tomorrow I have a 'basic revenue management' training, which name was quite vague for me until I decided to consult it with wikipedia. Thanks Ms. Wikipedia, you were a huge help!!!
And when I'm not working or sleeping dead after work, I go to trainings and prepare for the next performance. Meeting Japan's prime minister's wife wasn't quite as I imagined it. She was very nice, and taller than I though she would be, she took a photo with us, but when I expected that the so-called "dinner with Mrs. Abe" will be a real dinner with Mrs. Abe - sharing the same table and chatting happily, it turned out that she is too much of a VVIP person to share a meal with a common people like us. She left with all the important people - Manggha Museum's director (who was rude enough to come late and make a ruckus during our performance - damn her), our Japanese studie's Main Professor (he's my idol, seriously <3 ) and some embassy people and ate with them, while we were given some buffet food, a duck and potatoes.
It was quite yummy.
But I was quite dissapointed.
This time we will dance in the same museum with one only difference, we can invite some people we know. We only got 10 invitations per whole dance group, but suprisingly my friends turned out to be quite interested in attending. The dance I'm practising is not really something one would be crazy about, but it's fun for me. I really hope that the people that comes won't be too bored and dissapointed!
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