Thursday, February 28, 2013

I think it's unfair, but they have the right as fallible, screwed-up humans to be unfair; that's the human condition.

Well... that's how the life goes. I had a terribly enjoyable shift yesterday and I thought to myself then 'Hell, I like this job'. Even though it's not EXACTLY where I want to work, I was learning a lot... And really that shift was cool.

I started off with long, boring talk with the manager, which was boring and funny at the same time, because the manager treats me like stupid, trying to check my knowledge. I felt like a primary school kid and felt quite silly telling him how to do the most basic stuff with our hotel system. To be honest, as a person who was born in 90s I was growing up with computer, so it's no magic for me. I have no problems learning computer system, especially after someone tells me how to do everything.
Then I listen to the same remarks as always, about some mistakes, which I never did, but as I am the newest worker here, so of course it's me to blame for all that. Well, I could just smile and say 'Yes, I got it'.

So after the manager left, I had half of the day left. And guess what! A Japanese guest came! I was quite nervous, but I did ask him in Japanese if he's Japanese. Ok now. I know it's a stupid question to ask. Especially using Japanese. Anyway, that's how I started the Japanese check-in for the first time in my life. I was so nervous, I forgot some words, so I said them in English and it was an interesting mix, but the guest seemed to be ok with my Japanese, so I was so happy~~~~!

And then some nice guests came, one of whom asked me....
The Guest: Are you French?
Me: Why, no?
G: Your Polish sounds a bit French...
Me: Oh really?
G: I had a friend once and she was French. She talked in Polish just like you.
Me: I'll take it as a compliment then!
G: Will you work here tomorrow too?

Oh, was it some kind of pick-up line? I'm happy then! I was wearing my favourite dress then (I wore it twice in my life and it already feels a bit too small for me now.... wait! Am I still growing? Damn...).

One of the guests came to talk about tv remote control which seem to be out of order, but we googled for the instructions and we found out we can fix it.

I also got a call which made me laugh for 2 hours or more. The other hotel from our small hotel group called to ask if we have room no 101 in our hotel. We did. "Oh, then your guest got stuck in the room!" Whaaat? Hahahah ^^
I went to check on it and yes, indeed. The guest was quite unlucky. He had some other problems with the room earlier - something connected with electricity and then there was no hot water in the bathroom for some time..... Did I mention why this place is not exactly where I want to work?
The guest was very understanding, he didn't shout or get irritated at all, instead he looked really scared. Every time he went out and came back he was telling me to rescue him in case something happens ^^

And of course when something nice happens, something less nice must happen too. And that is work meeting to make schedule. Suddenly it turned out they don't really want me to work normally. They want me just for weekends, while I have dance practice on Saturday evening, so I can only take either morning or night shift. Normally it shouldn't be a problem. But it became one. Forget about the fact that I was hired to work full time and suddenly I became a part-time weekend worker, which I didn't really wish for. But other workers are unwilling to compromise. And who else is there to blame if not the newest worker? Of course. I left the meeting with a feeling of disgust for myself and for the other receptionist.

People working in China were so different. They were working really a lot. Their salary was more or less the same as ours here, just that they were doing hundred more things than here. And they never complained about 4 days off a month. And here the people are just... Working in a hotel means working weekends, Christmas, New Year's Eve... But it doesn't mean that one worker works every weekend. They cannot hope to work Mon-Fri in a hotel.

But they do.

And they work like this.

That's why I need to protect my dance practice and my dreams. And I have to move on. I plan to hand in my resignation. Why? Because that's not what I was hired for. I want to work normally. I like hotel job. And I think the higher rating on is partly because of my contribution too. I want to work somewhere where they admit that I am an important worker and they will appreciate my hard work! Is it really too much to ask for?

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