Sunday, March 31, 2013

The turning point really is just knowing you're an imbecile.

Well... What can I say.

Till now, everything I wanted came quite easy, so it was just right that the good vibe had to end one day. But why now? Couldn't my good luck wait a bit more?

As you guys know, I decided to try for Emirates just one month ago. I was preparing every aspect of myself to pass the interview. I did things I would never think I would do to get this job. And you know what the funniest part is, I got eliminated on the first stage. Wow. My first impression sucks. I have to fix it.
I know why actually. I was nervous and I was chaotic and I was talking very fast. This is what I was aware of to not to do. And I did it. It was my first experience, so after I woke up from shock and depression I decided not to give up.
Where should I go next?
A few people (even some who I've never met) encouraged me a lot before the interview, and helped me after it, although they might not be aware of it. I want to thank them and try my best next time. I can reapply for Emirates only after 6 months, so in between I will try for different airlines. Even if I don't get any job before those 6 months pass, I will gain confidence and I will know how the whole interview business works.

I asked Mr Google, who told me that I can apply for Qatar Airways till 30th of April. Probably on 30th of April an Assessement Day will take place in Gdańsk too. Gdańsk is a far far away place, but I was thinking that I should go anyway! It's a so-called 'May weekend' in Poland, so I'll ask for a few days off at work and go. At least I will apply online first, which is required in QA. And talking about QA, I also found a blog written in Polish by a girl (from Kraków) who is a Qatar Airways flight attendant. She described all the training, her first flights, her later experiences, and I love all that she wrote.
This is a link for Polish speakers (other people should try it with Google Translate, but it might become weird then)>>> Polish QA flight attendant's blog

Now I'm still at my old workplace finishing my last shifts (the last last last one is tomorrow night). Starting from 3rd of April I'm beginning my new job too. This will also be a challenging job. And I also hope to be able to attend our dance group's performance on 13th of April in Kraków.

I though April will be lazy month, but I think it's going to be a busy one again. And I love it <3

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.

Phew... The busy weekend is over. Many things happened over the last few days. I signed contract for my new job...

...and if I don't do well, they will dismiss me without paying anything.
I received magnetic card, which I have to use to open staff door, a key to my locker in our changing room - no 30, my name tag with letters Trainee_Pamela on it and of course my contract - only for two months for now, but if I do well, I will get a long term contract, is what they said.

Unfortunately the next day wasn't too lucky at first, thanks to some circumstances which I couldn't control I was late for the make-up lesson, but I managed to catch up with everyone and I could apear on the photos, which we took as an advertisement of our dance group.
Sakuramai Poland or 桜舞ポーランド yay!
After photo session we had a harsh training, it's the last one before our performance, and then off to dinner with a pint of beer. It was a very tiring day, but I couldn't sleep much, as I had to be at work at 6 am the next day, which meant that I had to wake up at 4:30 am.
Let's stop the time for a few more hours and I'll get some more sleep...
But in the end everything went well and I slept enough on Sunday. And on Monday I sent an email to work that I want to quit. My idea was to send an email for a few days before I'm at work, so that when I talk to the manager personally, he is calm already. Too bad, just a few minutes past since I sent the e-mail, my mobile started ringing like crazy. I set a meeting with the manager for the same day and well, what can I say, he seemed really sad that I'm quitting. I told him about an opportunity I got in Radisson Blu Hotel and that I love my job now, but I just need to get out of my comfort zone and reach higher. He said he understands it well, athough he was planning for me to work more and do more responsible job too. I'm sorry, Mr Manager. I like you, but I need to leave. He praised me a lot lately, so I was a bit embarassed about the whole situation. He was asking me if it's him that did something wrong, or is my pay not enough... I feel bad, because I did feel like I'm belonging somewhere. But I cannot resign for this opportunity given me in the new workplace. It's gonna be difficult and harsh training starting from 3rd of April!

And I'm still thinking about my Emirates career. Of course, I will attend the Open Day and pray to pass it, but even if I do, the actual work or training starts around half a year after the Open Day, when I really need work and cash. I will not give up on my Emirates job. If I fail this time, I will try again!

Generation of people born in 90s! Cheers for our future!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.

From yesterday it's snowing like crazy, changing the almost-spring-like weather that we had to another winter season. If I was not mistaken, I heard Christmas song in a supermarket when I was shopping yesterday. But wait, during the time when we were supposed to have winter, it was not snowing that much. It was actually not snowing at all. Well, spring in winter and winter in spring. Easter and Christmas should be changed ^^

I love you snow, but why are you coming this late????
The next few days will be something that I can call 'the busiest weekend of March'. Starting from an early morning (4:40 am), through 8 hours work, meeting at my new (from April) workplace, visiting my friend at work where I have to write a thank-you card to my dance teacher, as I can call Emiko-san, who teaches us Japanese dane and then I have little time to prepare for Saturday's activities. Then Saturday: morning shift, performance make-up lesson, dance practice, dance group party. Sunday: 12-hour shift at work and then few hours to prepare for Japanese class on Monday noon (yes, it's me who's teaching).

My Emirates future went a bit vague after I discovered that my burn mark, which I got in China still hasn't disappeared. And Emirates doesn't allow any scars or tattoos, so no burn marks allowed either, I assume. So, I started curing my burn mark intensively before the interview, so that it's not visible then. I have to wear a skirt then after all!
My moon-shaped burn mark.
And meanwhile, I'm still preparing for the Big Day, when I will pass interview to became a FA (haha confidence is the basic, right?). I'm watching reality show called 'Flight Attendant School', which shows the harshest of the harshest trainings for Frontier Airlines in USA. Each episodes someone is kicked out of the school be it because they were late, or failed some exams (more than one - OUT!).

.....NOT YET!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.

After quite a busy weekend, I decided to take a break during the week. I have no shifts on weekdays, as the other workers from my hotel got angry that I'm taking their shifts away. Okay then, I'm not saying anything, just looking for another job in the meantime. And this week, I decided to cut on the time I'm spending in from of the computer. Well, my mobile broke down, so I'm temporarily using my old old one, which makes me unable to check facebook or gmail all the time, which I used to do. And there are some problems with the wifi at home too (well, ain't I lucky?), so I decided to use this opportunity and forget about computer for a while. Just now, I'm sitting in the library and because I don't want to go home, I decided to write this post.

The weather today is brilliant. The sun is shining and it feels like spring already! When I was waiting on the bus I felt the sunlight on my face and one guy on the bus stop, age around 30-40 years old, was sucking a pink-colored lollipop. It's spring, I thought again. Even if the winter weather comes back again, I feel that something is starting anew. I have a few new things, which I want to try to accomplish to. New possiblities, new opportunities. For now, till 30th of March I'm busy preparing for an important thing (which my friends knows what it is). The Emirates Open Day. I feel that my friends are supporting me and helping me a lot, so I just cannot not try my best!

Well then, I'm going back home to study my 'Air Travel English' book published even before Pan Am bancrupted. By the way, talking about Pan Am, the series called 'Pan Am', realised in 2011 is a great series, which I started watching at my night shift and I love it. The whole action takes places in 60s of XX century and it follows the life of Pan Am crew. It's great! I think not only people interested in the job of cabin/flight crew would be interested in the series!

Friday, March 1, 2013

What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be.

I posted just yesterday night, but I have to add new post today. Why? Because once again, I'm surprised how people can be nice! And once again, I understood that I love people!

I decided not to hide my problems at my company, and I talked with a nice HK department lady, who advised me to fight for my rights! She was very understanding and told me not to give up.

One guy who is taking care of repairs in our hotel smiled to me and was so nice! When I first met him he didn't seem to friendly. He was not talking much and he rarely looked at me even when I was talking to him. He seemed to be quite indifferent about anything. But now that I am on the shift, he sat next to me, talked quite nice and I understood how wrong it is to judge people by the first impressions. Maybe it's important on a job interview, but in man-to-man relations, never ever judge a person by their first impressions. Sometimes people are being shy at first, sometimes they just need to get used to you.

I love people~!