This time I don't have much to write about. Maybe only one thing. Of all my troubles and worries I got only 1,5 problems left ^^. This one and a half means that one is a real problem and the other might become one. The first thing makes me worried for some time already and it's about money. I don't have energy to figt with my boss, but I have to do something to get my salary, because the company is making problems for me.... But when it comes to money I don't know how to fight. Like last time, I worked like a slave for a week in sushi bar. I couldn't stand an ambience of that place, the work was very hard and I couldn't get used to it, so I quit. And then it turned out that I was working for free. My friends told me to go there and get those money from them, but I just gave up. Whatever. But my 112 hours of overtime this time... Plus the basic salary.... It's hell ton of money for me haha.
Anyway! My new Hungarian friend bought a ticket to Xiamen for 23rd of March, so he will be there a few days before me. Hope he will come for me to the airport. He still doesn't know about it, but he will! Ha!
But what is weird, from the 10 people that were to be chosen for the internship, we're only two. What about the remaining 8? I heard that 5 people failed the interview? Excuse me, what...? Failed? I need to make my own investigation when I arrive there. Mayb they are choosing people depending on their eye colour? Or European accent. My Polish-Japanese-English accent is the best after all! :P
It's snowing a lot in Poland, so I used this occassion to buy sneakers two times cheaper than usual! They're perfect!
...can't wear them at all now ;_; |
Time left to CA:
46 days!
Nice shoes! :D