Now, this s the worst. Stupid cold makes me lay in bed for the fith day in the row. The worst! Although I fianlly have time to watch my beloved Korean dramas (new one I can recommend is: "Flower Boy Ramyun Shop" and "Me too, Flower" - the second one has better actors, the first - hotter).
When I started working in my shop, we had a cool bonus things to each thing a client bought. Now, we're not adding it anymore, so I could take one home:
"See what could be" |
It looks cute, but in fact it's a anti-stress toy. So I think it will be perfect for me. When I'm watching movies or dramas I'm bitting my nails a lot, so with this toy I will have another thing to do - squeezing it with all my might!
Day 29 of 30: COMPLETE!
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